We will have our regular Wednesday activites on Wednesday, February 12th.  Prayer Meeting, Youth Group & AWANA will all meet at 7:00pm!

Sunday School 9:15am | Morning Worship 10:30am | Evening Worship 6:00pm

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"The Good Shepherd's Secure Sheep" - John 10:19-30

May 1, 2022 Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: The Gospel According to John

Passage: John 10:19–30

More in The Gospel According to John

October 22, 2023

"Do You Love Me?" - John 21:15-25

October 15, 2023

"Catching Fishermen" - John 21:1-14

October 8, 2023

"Mr. Little-Faith from the Town of Sincere" - John 20-24-31