Women's Conference 2024 - Click here for details & to register!

Sunday School 9:15am | Morning Worship 10:30am | Evening Worship 6:00pm

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Our Ministries

Awana Clubs
Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed (2 Tim. 2:15). Awana is our Wednesday evening children’s ministry reaching children from Age 3 to 8th Grade. Awana helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ.  Click here for more information!

We strive to minister in an open and generous way and be “given to hospitality” as described in Romans 12:13. Hospitality at Newton Bible Church includes church fellowships, bridal and baby showers, wedding receptions, and funeral luncheons. Touring college groups and special speakers also enjoy our hospitality while ministering at Newton Bible Church.

Men's Ministry
The elders of NBC desire to equip & encourage the men of the church family to fulfil the roles designed for them by God in the home, church and society.  We are convinced that when men fulfil thier God-given roles, then each of these areas of life are blessed by God and bring honor to Him.  Click here for more information.


We desire to see the world reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. From the inception of our church, both State-side and foreign missionary support has been a primary goal. 

At present, Newton Bible Church supports twenty-nine missionary families serving in thirteen countries and eleven US States. We also support four ministry organizations. Half of our supported missionaries went out as members of NBC.

We strive for excellence in using Christ-honoring music to enhance our worship of God and encouragement of the saints. Our primary focus is on congregational singing as an expression of worship from the hearts of God’s people, but we also offer many opportunities for musical exhortation and reflection.

Newton Bible Christian School
Newton Bible Christian School (K4-8) is a ministry to believing families of the church and community. Our goal is to provide a thorough academic education with high scholastic standards and a biblical view of God, man, and the world (Deut. 6:5-7; 2 Tim 3:15-17).

Nursery & Children's Bible Time
We understand that families with infants and small children desire to have a place for their little ones to learn and grow and still be part of the worship experience. Newton Bible Church provides a complete nursery for families with children ages 0-3. We also provide a separate sleeping area with cribs, a baby-changing station, and a nursing room. Our nursery is conveniently located at the rear of the sanctuary to allow easy access before, during, or after each service.

Children all always welcome in our services. There is a designated "Cry Room" located in the basement for families with small children to use as needed.  It is equipped with a live video feel of the sevice.

All Pre-school aged children (ages 3-5) are invited to our Children's Bible Class during the main service.  They are dismissed to the basement during the last congregational song.  They meet in the 2's & 3's SS classroom.

Outreach Ministry

Senior Adult Ministries

Ministering to Senior Adults at Newton Bible Church is more than just visitation. We seek to support and spiritually encourage senior adults within our midst through prayer, fellowship, outreach opportunities, and assistance with medical devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs, etc. Opportunities to serve and encourage extend to our community as well, providing Senior Adults with an environment to both serve and grow in their walk with God.

Small Groups
The Small Group Ministry of NBC will seek to provide opportunities to relationally connect with one another in homes so as to fulfill our mission of making disciples who glorify God by prayerfully studying the Word, expanding our knowledge of God, deepening our love for each other, and encouraging one another to share the Gospel.

- Summer Groups (June-August) meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
- Fall/Winter Groups (October-May) meet on the 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings at 6pm.

Sunday School
Sunday School at Newton Bible Church is an integral part of equipping the saints for service.

Classes for ages 2 and up focus on building sound Bible knowledge combined with practical application to daily living.

Our childrens’ classes focus on developing a strong Biblical foundation and discipleship in an age appropriate manner.

Youth Group Sunday School combines expositional Bible study with practical life application geared toward the needs of teens.

Our adult fellowship classes focus on teaching specific books of the Bible, Scripture memorization, or specific areas of daily living with practical Biblical perspective designed to develop a closer walk with God.

Women’s Ministries
Women are in need of being nurtured as much as they are in need of nurturing. The Women’s Ministry of Newton Bible Church seek to see women become balanced and growing believers. We encourage each other to develop the mind of Christ, and to set this mind on meeting the needs of His people in corporate and individual settings.

Young Adult Ministries
We recognize the importance of developmental and cultural dynamics in the young adult years. Through sound Bible teaching and fellowship with others in this stage of life, our young adult ministries seek to establish college, career, and young married believers in their identity, character, worldview and relationships in Christ.

Youth Ministry
We desire to evangelize and disciple our high school aged youth, to foster greater love and devotion to the Lord, and to develop loyalty to the local church and the Body of Christ. The high school youth meet during the Sunday school hour and on Wednesday evenings.