We will have our regular Wednesday activites on Wednesday, February 12th.  Prayer Meeting, Youth Group & AWANA will all meet at 7:00pm!

Sunday School 9:15am | Morning Worship 10:30am | Evening Worship 6:00pm

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What to Expect

Looking for a new church, or going to one for the first time, can be an
intimidating experience. You probably have lots of questions about what it
will be like. We desire for you to feel at home when you come to one of our
services, so hopefully these answers will ease some of the worry associated
with the first-time visit.

Where are you located?
What time do your services start?
Where do I go after I arrive?
Who will I see when I first enter the building?
What is Sunday School like?
What should I wear?
What is the Worship Service like?

More questions?  Feel free to email the church office at office@newtonbible.org.