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Sermons from 2014

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December 28, 2014

The Rest of the Story: St. Nicholas of Myra

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Romans 12:1

December 28, 2014

Love, Joy, Peace...But the Greatest of These is Love

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: The Infinite God in Swaddling Clothes Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

December 21, 2014

"The Unchangeable God Became Flesh"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: The Infinite God in Swaddling Clothes Passage: Philippians 2:5–2:11

December 7, 2014

Before Bethlehem

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: The Infinite God in Swaddling Clothes Passage: John 1:1–1:3

November 30, 2014

Dogs, Crumbs, & Faith

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 7:24–7:37

November 23, 2014

"Outside In or Inside Out?"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 7:14–7:23

November 16, 2014

Complete in Christ

Passage: Colossians 2:8–2:19

November 16, 2014

The Issue is not the Issue

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 7:1–7:13

November 9, 2014

The Incarnate I AM

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 6:45–6:56

November 2, 2014

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit


November 2, 2014

Receiving Grace...the Hard Way

Passage: Daniel 4

October 26, 2014

Serving on Empty

Speaker: Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 6:30–6:44

October 19, 2014


Series: 2014 Missions Conference

October 19, 2014

Who, Me? No Way!

Series: 2014 Missions Conference Passage: Exodus 3–4

October 12, 2014

"Though My Head Might be Placed on a Platter"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 6:14–6:29

September 28, 2014

"Too Common to be Special"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 6:1–6:6

September 21, 2014

I Have Sinned! Now What?

Speaker: Passage: 2 Samuel 12:10–12:25

September 21, 2014

The Unclean Made Clean by Faith

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 5:21–5:43

September 14, 2014

Psalms 136 - The Glad Refrain

Passage: Psalm 136

September 14, 2014

"The Marvel of Swine in the Sea"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 5:1–5:20

September 7, 2014

Though the Earth Gives Way

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Psalm 46

September 7, 2014

Wind & Waves; Fear & Faith

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 4:35–4:31

August 31, 2014

The Kingdom of God

August 31, 2014

"The Kingdom of God is like..."

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 4:26–4:34

August 24, 2014

"Do You Hear Me Now?"

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 4:21–4:25

August 17, 2014

The Soil, The Seed & The Sower

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 4:1–4:20

July 27, 2014

A Pattern for Worship

Passage: Psalm 122:1–122:9

July 27, 2014

Called Out of the Crowd

Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 3:7–3:19

July 20, 2014

The Messiah according to Jesus

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 2:13–3:6

July 6, 2014

The Misunderstood Ministry of Christ

Speaker: Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 1:35–1:45

June 22, 2014

Powerful Words in a Powerless World

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 1:21–1:28

June 15, 2014

The Urgent Gospel

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 1:14–1:20

June 8, 2014

Technology and the Christian


June 8, 2014

The Beginning of the Gospel

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Jesus & His Gospel-Studies in Mark Passage: Mark 1:1–1:13

June 1, 2014

The Single, The Married & The Church

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:1–7:40

May 25, 2014

Guarding the Home

Speaker: Passage: Proverbs 7:1–7:27

May 18, 2014

"Your Home for God's Glory" Part 2

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: Ephesians 5:25–5:33

May 11, 2014

Helping Marriage in the Context of the Local Church

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: Ephesians 5:1–5:33

May 11, 2014

Your Home for God's Glory

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: Ephesians 5:22–5:33

April 27, 2014

The Eternal Value of a Lifelong Covenant

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: Ephesians 5:25–5:33

April 20, 2014


Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Matthew 28:19–28:20

April 20, 2014

Saved to the Uttermost by Him Who Always Lives

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Hebrews 7:25

April 18, 2014

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Luke 23

April 13, 2014

The Creator's Handiwork

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Marriage: What's the Point? Passage: Genesis 2

March 30, 2014

The Satisfied Soul in the Wilderness of Life

Speaker: Passage: Psalm 63:1–63:11

March 23, 2014

The Great Commission

March 23, 2014

An Exiled Nation's Hope

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: Joel 1–3

March 16, 2014

The Sure Demise of God's People

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Chronicles 36

March 9, 2014

Regeneration as the Foundation of Local Church Discipleship

Series: Discipleship in the Local Church Topic: Default Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:1–12:31

March 2, 2014

Josiah: The Reforming King

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Chronicles 34:1–35:27

February 23, 2014

Isaiah and the Coming King


February 23, 2014

Manasseh: The Scale-Tipping King

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Kings 21:1–21:26

February 16, 2014

Hezekiah: the Trust Like No Other King

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Kings 18:1–20:21

February 9, 2014

Religiously Idolatrous

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Acts 17:16–17:34

February 9, 2014

No God But God

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Kings 17

February 2, 2014

Worthy of Worship

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Psalm 115

February 2, 2014

Jotham & Ahaz: Order & Disorder

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Chronicles 27–28

January 19, 2014

Uzziah: The Proud Leper King

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Chronicles 26:1–26:23

January 12, 2014

Jonah: The Angry Prophet

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Jonah 1:1–4:11

January 12, 2014

Don't Call Your Son Jeroboam

Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Kings 14:23–14:29

January 5, 2014

School Update and Philippians 1

Speaker: Passage: Philippians 1:1–1:30

January 5, 2014

Amaziah: The Wholly Half-Hearted King

Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Who's the Boss? Passage: 2 Chronicles 25:1–25:28