Sermons from July 2017
Back to Sermon ArchiveJuly 30, 2017
Overcoming Evil with Evil
Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Faith of Our Fathers - Life of Jacob Passage: Genesis 34:1–31
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July 30, 2017
Worthless Worship
Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Why Everything Matters - Eccelsistes Topic: Wisdom Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:1–7
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July 23, 2017
Alone at the Top
Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Why Everything Matters - Eccelsistes Topic: Wisdom Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:1–16
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July 2, 2017
Making Sense of Sporadic Seasons
Speaker: Matt Kruse Series: Why Everything Matters - Eccelsistes Topic: Wisdom Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1–15
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