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Sermons from Romans

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June 6, 2021

The God Who Justifies - Blake Gillen (Click for video)

Passage: Romans 3:19–26

September 29, 2019

"The God of the Gospel" - Romans 3:19-26

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Romans 3:19–26

March 27, 2016

Our Rich Heritage of Hoping Against Hope

Speaker: Passage: Romans 4:18

March 13, 2016

"When Evil Hurts" - Biblical Truths That Lead Us Forward

Speaker: Passage: Romans 1:16–32, Romans 3:19–26, Romans 13:1–7, Luke 13:1–5

November 1, 2015

Thoughts on Prayer

Passage: Romans 8:26–27

January 18, 2015

A Doxology of Praise

Passage: Romans 11:33–11:36

December 28, 2014

The Rest of the Story: St. Nicholas of Myra

Speaker: Matt Kruse Passage: Romans 12:1